Who is he that condemns? Christ Jesus, who died - more than that, who was raised to life - is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.
(verse 34)
I’m reading a novel about medieval England. There’s an awful lot of conniving and political intrigue. Clergy and earls and knights all jockey for power, often finding themselves in very precarious positions, especially if they’re on the wrong side when alliances shift. More than anything, it’s important to be properly aligned with the throne. Therefore, if you’re not already in a position of power yourself, it’s crucial to have someone else speak on your behalf to the King. The more powerful and connected that “someone” is, the more hopeful your own position.
Paul talks in this passage about the throne room of heaven. The question has already been raised as to whether a charge might be brought against us. What is our standing? How would we fare in God’s own court?
As part of his answer, Paul now gives us a clear sight of the throne itself. Positioned there, with all authority and power, at the right hand of the Father himself, is “Christ Jesus, who died.” It’s as if Paul now zooms in to let us see Jesus’ activity in that place of influence. What is he doing? How is he engaging himself?
Look closely. Listen up. Here it is: The Son of God is speaking to the Father on our behalf.
Paul references the fact that he died and was raised to life, putting into sharp focus that he has redeemed us, giving his life as a ransom, providing our justification. So, as Jesus intercedes for us with the Father, there is no question his voice is heard, that his intercession is powerful and effective. Indeed, it is fully aligned with the heart of the Father himself, “who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all” (verse 32). This intercession hits the mark - bulls-eye.
What then does this mean for us? It affirms the very statement with which Paul started this chapter: “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1). No charge can be brought against us, for every penalty has been turned aside. Any occasion for fresh accusation (resulting from our own sin and stumbling) is met with the renewed intercession of our Lord, Christ Jesus, speaking into the ear of the Father, speaking on our behalf, affirming our forgiveness and cleansing and redemption.
But more. With his eye upon us, he clearly sees our needs right here and how - our queries and insecurities, our weaknesses and pains. He sees all the things that might conspire to separate us from him - death and life, angels and demons, things present and things to come. He sees our troubles and hardships, our dangers and perils. He sees it all.
Positioned there, at the Father’s right hand, he intercedes for us. He speaks on our behalf. Hebrews 9:25 reiterates the same: “he always lives to intercede for us.” What greater security could we have?
Wonderfully, Paul used this very same concept just a few verses earlier when speaking of the Holy Spirit. “The Spirit himself intercedes for us … (he) intercedes for the saints (that’s us!) in accordance with God’s will” (Romans 8:26-27).
What incredible coverage. The Spirit of God intercedes for us in our very hearts. The Son of God intercedes for us in heaven itself. The Father listens. “If God is for us, who can be against us?”
Praise his name.
Lord Jesus, praise you in the heights of heaven, seated at the right hand of the Father. Praise you that you speak to the Father on my behalf. Praise you that your Holy Spirit intercedes in my heart, beyond my own understanding. Praise you that your eye is upon me. Praise your name.
Give thanks to God that nothing can separate you from his love. Knowing that the Son and the Spirit intercede with the Father on your behalf, place your concerns in his hands. “God is for us.” Trust. Rejoice.
Photo by the blowup on Unsplash