“There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. Men will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken. At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”
(verses 25-28)
Everything in me wants to nail down exactly what this is going to look like. I want to get a clearer idea of the timing. I want to know how it relates to our own day. Are we seeing some of these “signs” already? What roaring and tossing of the sea could possibly bring such anguish? How will heavenly bodies be shaken? How will this all play out?
The descriptions are vague enough that we can’t extrapolate. But we get the undeniable sense that when it actually happens, it will be both clear and terrifying.
Unless, of course, we know Jesus. For us, whose eyes are longing to see him, terror will give way to yearning. “Lift up your heads,”Jesus says, reminiscent of Psalm 24 where the city gates themselves are called to be lifted up so that “the King of Glory may come in.” Yes! That’s what we’re yearning for – the King himself!
Every eye will see him when he comes on the clouds with power and great glory. Jesus says that in that moment our redemption will be drawing near. The full salvation Jesus has won for us. The complete healing he has purchased. The final deliverance from every encumbrance and from the sin which so easily entangles. That moment will bring about the full realization of our adoption as children of the King. Oh yes, you better believe I’ll be ready to lift up my head!
How about you?
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for this incredible hope. Thank you that it flies in the face of physical terrors that will rock nations. Thank you for this hope that is firmly anchored in the sure promise of meeting you face to face and being caught up in the fullness, finally, of the breadth and length and height and depth of relationship with you. Thank you for the promise, for the yearning, for the sure hope.
And so I say it: Come, Lord Jesus!
Ongoing Prayer: Take the ancient Aramaic prayer of the early church on your own lips today: Maranatha. Our Lord come.
Pray it all day. At every remembrance. Lift up your sights. See what difference it makes for life right here, right now.
Photo by Arto Marttinen on Unsplash