“Hypocrites! You know how to interpret the appearance of the earth and the sky. How is it that you don’t know how to interpret this present time?
“Why don’t you judge for yourselves what is right? As you are going with your adversary to the magistrate, try hard to be reconciled to him on the way, or he may drag you off to the judge, and the judge turn you over to the officer, and the officer throw you into prison. I tell you, you will not get out until you have paid the last penny.”
(verses 56-59)
Jesus speaks here “to the crowd” (verse 54). Luke deliberately reminds us of the fact. Which means that Jesus’ words are anchored in a specific time and place, and there is a very specific group of people listening in.
Likely there were many in that crowd who were genuinely eager to hear, to believe, to receive, and to draw near. They were actively engaged with Jesus’ teaching. But undoubtedly there were others for whom this was not true. They were curious about Jesus, but basically disinterested; or they were self-satisfied, self-righteous, complacent; or they were proudly confident of their current religious standing – people like the Pharisees and teachers of the law who were simply “waiting to catch (Jesus) in something he might say”(Luke 11:54).
These are the people Jesus now specifically addresses. He tells them to: “Wake up! Open your eyes! Understand the crucial nature of the current moment! Don’t miss the opportunity!” That’s the impact of Jesus’ first illustration. Those listening can read the sky; they know exactly how to tell the weather. They can see a cloud rising and know that it will soon rain, or a south wind blowing and know it will soon be hot. But they are unable (or unwilling) to interpret “this present time” with Jesus standing right at its centre. “The kingdom of God has come to you,” he’s told them already (Luke 11:20), but they aren’t paying attention. “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among (them)” (John 1:14), but they can’t see it. “O unbelieving and perverse generation,” he’s lamented in their hearing (Luk 9:41), but they haven’t woken up, haven’t opened their ears, haven’t engaged their faith.
“Hypocrites!” Jesus charges them. They have eyes to see the weather but can’t open them wide enough to see Jesus for who he is.
The second illustration brings the urgency of the current moment home. It’s as if they’re being escorted to the courtroom and have the opportunity to settle up with their opponent along the way but are simply oblivious to the moment and fail to do so. How foolish.
“Now is the time,” Jesus is saying. “If you don’t act now, you will pay the consequence.” Messiah is here – don’t miss him. The Saviour of the world has come – receive. The Word of God is among you – open your eyes, open your ears, and believe. The time is urgent. For “whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son” (John 3:18).
Jesus spoke to that specific crowd on that specific occasion. But his words ring out with urgency still. Here’s how:
· If you have never placed faith in Jesus (receiving him as Saviour and embracing him as Lord) the time is now. Don’t put it off.
· There is urgency for friends, family, co-workers who have not yet trusted in Jesus. You can’t “wrestle them into the Kingdom.” But you can pray earnestly. You can live the Gospel consistently before them. You can be ready to share your experience of the Lord’s goodness. You can be ready to give an answer.
· You can engage in ministries that share the Good News, locally or around the world. Seek the Lord’s direction, asking him how: Giving finances? Praying consistently? Volunteering?
· With such urgency, how else might the Lord Jesus use you? Ask him.
Lord Jesus, I hear your word and know the urgency is great. Use me in whatever way you choose.
In which of the bullet points above will you engage? Commit it to the Lord.
Photo by elyssa renae on Unsplash