Tim MacIntosh
You can get more of my background by clicking the link below, but here are the nuts and bolts:
I’ve served, preached, and taught as a pastor for the past forty-three years. I’ve always seen my primary role as leading people more deeply into the Scriptures. In seeking to do that, I’ve preached hundreds of sermons, from all parts of the Bible, but I have a particular love and passion for walking people through the stories of Jesus in the Gospels. They’re so life-giving.
I have a Master of Divinity degree from Regent College in Vancouver, with a focus on biblical studies and pastoral ministry. This followed a Bachelor’s degree, from the University of British Columbia, in Urban Geography. Cities to theology, who would have guessed?
I’ve been married to the love of my life, Sarah, for thirty-three years. We have four grown children, a daughter-in-law, a son-in-law, and one cat. We live in Abbotsford, BC.
About the Books
Eyes on Jesus:
Through Mark's Gospel
Do you want to draw closer to Jesus, hear his voice, watch his life, know his heart?
Come explore. Eyes on Jesus: Through Mark's Gospel is a collection of daily devotionals that leads the reader through Mark's Gospel, portion by portion, reflecting on Jesus’ life and keeping eyes open to know him better. Mark has a unique perspective, unfolding his story of Jesus in fast moving succession, more pointed and concise than the other Gospel writers. It's an exhilarating adventure. Along the way, we'll get to know Mark's Gospel itself, understanding the text and hearing the whispers of the Spirit. But the main goal, all the way through, is to actually be drawn into ever-closer relationship with Jesus. That's the point.
Getting to know him makes all the difference. Come on the journey.
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Also available at:
Regent College Bookstore (Vancouver)
House of James Bookstore (Abbotsford)
Barnabas Landing Store (Keats Island)
International Seed Press Inc (Richmond)

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Eyes on Jesus:
The Christmas Chronicles
Take an engaging trip back to the time surrounding the birth of Jesus as you walk alongside those who experienced the arrival of a baby that changed the world. Ordinary people caught up in extraordinary events, the men and women who speak through these pages will challenge and inspire you to reflect on the impact of Christ's birth. Their words lead to an exploration of humanity's need for a Saviour, together with God's unshakeable promise to send a Redeemer to rescue all who believe in him.
Mary and Joseph, Herod, the Magi, the shepherds, and Simeon are just some of those who share their experience of the arrival of Jesus. The familiar story comes alive with all the shocking wonder encountered by these first witnesses - some with faith, some with doubt, some with hostility or indifference. In the process we're invited to carefully consider the Child who was born so long ago, who lived to set us fee, and who welcomes us into relationship with God himself.
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Eyes on Jesus:
Through John's Gospel
Come on a journey through John's Gospel. As one of Jesus' closest disciples - a key member of his inner circle - John was an eyewitness of his life and ministry. He heard Jesus' teaching, experienced the miracles, witnessed his character, stood grieving at the cross and then believing (in utter amazement) at the empty tomb. Early on, John declares, "We have seen his glory." By implication, he wants us to see that glory too. That's why he writes.
So come on the journey. Eyes on Jesus: Through John's Gospel will lead you through John's account in a series of daily devotionals that strike a healthy balance between theological insight and personal application. Ideal for study on your own or with a group.
Eyes on Jesus - that's the point.
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